On October 19, 1975, Mary Washington College President Prince Woodard presided over the public opening of the Gari Melchers Memorial Gallery, making
Gari Melchers: Left or Right Handed?
Very often visitors to Belmont will see the many Gari Melchers self-portraits and paintings of him by other artists, as well as historical
Springtime at Belmont
Springtime has always been a magical time at Belmont. The gardens are always at their peak around Easter, and Corinne Melchers made sure that her
25 Years of Holidays
The upcoming December 10 Holiday Open House marks the 25th such event that I have overseen as Director of Gari Melchers Home and Studio. The event
The Value of Gari Melchers’ Dollar
During tours, visitors often ask what Gari Melchers’ paintings sold for, or how much he earned for a portrait. We know some of these numbers from our
How to Read Belmont’s Sundial
During my periodic Director’s Tours and when I’m helping out with regular tours, visitors often ask me what that thing is mounted on the outside wall