Gari Melchers Home & Studio holds the largest collection of Melchers’ art — 1,677 paintings and drawings. An amazingly prolific artist, Melchers’ paintings are also in museum collections worldwide. Here’s just a sampling!

Annmary Brown Memorial, Brown University, Providence, RI
The Fairy Story, La Brabanconne, Schuyler Hastings, Portrait of Rush C. Hawkins (1908)
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Mother and Child (c. 1906), An Old Salt (c.1895), Portrait of Charles Lawrence Hutchinson (c.1902), Portrait of Gwethalyn Jones (1902)
Buffalo AKG Art Museum, (formerly the Albright-Knox Art Gallery,) Buffalo, NY
The Wedding (1892)
Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
Mother and Child (1909), Peace (Study for Four Figures for Mural Decoration in Congressional Library, Washington, D.C.) (c.1900)
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Christ (c. 1905)
Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA
Kate Kendall, (The Scarlet Jacket) (1919), Mother and Child (c. 1900)
Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville, AK
The Embroideress (Portrait of Mrs. Hitchcock) (c. 1889)
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI
Thomas Pitts (1887), Vespers (1888), Old Meat Market, Cadillac Square (1877), Mrs. Samuel Mountfort Pitts (1888), Head of Thomas Pitts (1889), The Wedding (c.1900), The Fencing Master (c.1900), Interior (c.1900), General Alger (1906), Helen Lothrop Prall (1884), The Communicant (c.1900), Mother and Child,
Evergreen House Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland
Portrait of Mrs. Warder, Portrait of Alice Garrett
Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA
The Pilots, 1887-88
Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, SC
The Hunters (c.1925)
Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
House with Green Gables (c.1915)
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Joan of Arc
Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi
Study of a Young Man in a Hat (c.1898)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
Writing (1905-1909)
Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA
Little Red Riding Hood (1897)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
Madonna (1906 or 1907), In the Studio NOTE: this painting is on loan to Gari Melchers Home and Studio and is currently on display (1912)
Michigan, University, Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI
Mother and Child (etching), Sleeper (etching)
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, MN
The Arts of Peace (1893), Marriage (1893)
Musee d’Orsay, Paris, France
Maternity (1895), Le Bosquet (1908)
Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston, MA
The Hermit (1900), Mother and Child (1904)
National Art Collection, Dresden, Germany
The Shipbuilder (1895)
National Arts Club, New York City, New York
Study, ca. 1916
National Gallery, Berlin, Germany
The Family (1895-1896)
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
The Sisters (1895), Penelope (1910), Andrew W. Mellon (1930), Head of Boy (c. 1890-1900), The Letter (1882), Maternity (c.1913)
National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, DC
A Sailor and His Sweetheart (1899), Portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt (1908), Portrait of Mrs. Frederick M. Alger (ca. 1917)
National Academy of Design, New York, NY
Study of “War” Mural Decoration, Library of Congress, Self-Portrait )1905)
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Benjamin Strong (1925), James Robert Mann (c.1910-1925)
North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC
Mammy (1923)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Skaters (1890 – 1895)
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Baptism (Church Interior) (c.1900), Portrait of a Friend (Portrait of Christian Brinton) (1910), Woman and Child
Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
The Caress (1921)
Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NB
Maternity (c.1896), Dutchman with a Pipe (c. 1900-1904)
Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Portrait of a Man (n.d.)
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
The Sermon (1886), The Bride (1907), Mother and Child (1920), Arranging the Tulips (before 1928)
St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO
Vespers (c.1910)
Telfair Museums, Savannah, GA
The Unpretentious Garden (1903-1909), Joseph Hilton (1915), Portrait of George Johnson Baldwin (1919), Vespers (c.1892), Thomas Henry Bowles (1909), Madonna of the Fields (c.1895-1900)
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, OH
Easter Sunday (1910-1911)
University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, GA
Alexander Campbell King
University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, MI
Gotthelf Huber, M.D., Chase Salmon Osborn
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA
Indian Summer (c.1901), Study of a Fisherman (c.1900-1930), The Last Supper (c.1900), Judge John Barton Payne (1930), Madonna of the Rappahannock (1923), The White Church (c.1907), Pulpit, Schermerhorn Church (c.1900-1930), Sun Spots in an Arbor, (c.1900-1930), Figure Studies, (c.1900-1930), Study of Man Standing, (c.1900-1930)
Westmoreland Museum of American Art, Greensburg, PA 15601
Portrait of a Young Lady (c.1900), The Kiss, Etching on Paper, not dated
Yale University of Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
Lewis A. Stimson (1909)
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